Meet the Characters from Woodly Wiley Pierre
Woodly Wiley Pierre was not your ordinary 3rd grader. She was as tall as the 5th graders and outlined like a pear. Her skin, the color of garden soil on a warm summer’s day, was as smooth as a flower’s petal. She explored the rainbow in her clothing…
Woodly Wiley Pierre is an immigrant.
She doesn’t look, dress, speak, or even eat like anyone else in her new school. Worst of all, her classmates don’t seem to like her. She misses Haiti, but an earthquake has turned everything into rubble and there is nothing to go back to. How will she find her way to understanding and acceptance? When will she stop being so lonely?
Starting over in a new world, Woodly Wiley Pierre embodies what it means to be rejected. Her story is about embracing diversity, responding to bullying, seeking to understand others, and making new friends. Woodly Wiley Pierre will inspire laughter and love as she takes you along on her journey.

This is Woodley Wiley Pierre
Gender: Female
Age: 11
Family origin: Haiti
Born in: Haiti
Dislikes: Winter
Favorite color: All bright colors
Favorite Food/s: Rice & Beans, Goat, and Fried Fish
Favorite Snack/s: Mango & Avocado
Favorite hobby: Dancing
Siblings: none
Talents: Sewing & Cooking

This is MaMa Pierre
Mama Pierre is Woodley's mother.
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Family origin: Haiti
Born in: Haiti
Dislikes: Television
Favorite color: All the colors of the rainbow
Favorite Food/s: Rice and beans, Squash Soup, & Pizza
Favorite Snack: Plantain chips
Favorite hobby: Singing & Reading
Siblings: Two Brothers & Three Sisters
Talents: Jam and Jelly Maker

This is Brian
Gender: Male
Age: 10.5
Family origin: Italy
Born in: The U.S.
Dislikes: middle name, Emilio
Favorite color: Red
Favorite Food/s: Bagels, Spaghetti, & Meatloaf
Favorite Snack/s: Potato chips
Favorite hobby: Field Hockey
Siblings: One older brother & One younger sister
Talents: Black Belt Karate Ninja

This is Sophia
Gender: Female
Age: 11
Family origin: Ireland
Born in: The U.S.
Dislikes: Mayonnaise, bright colors, and dresses
Favorite color: Green
Favorite Food/s: Roast beef sandwiches with tomatoes and onions
Favorite Snack/s: String cheese
Favorite hobby: Soccer
Siblings: One younger sister
Talents: Tap dancer

This is Misty
Gender: Female
Age: 10
Family origin: Germany
Born in: The U.S.
Dislikes: Pants
Favorite color: Pink
Favorite Food/s: Tuna fish & Matzo ball soup
Favorite Snack: Goldfish
Favorite hobby: Swimming
Siblings: none
Talents: Gymnast & Pianist

This is Ms. Dreammore
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Family origin: Spain
Born in: Barcelona
Dislikes: Sweets
Favorite color: Gold
Favorite Food/s: Paella & Hamburgers
Favorite Snack: Almonds, Pretzels, and Apples
Favorite hobby: Skate boarding
Siblings: Three Brothers
Talents: A Professional Horseback Rider (Jockey)